Last weekend I attended my first gardening class. I’ve always wanted to go and this year I decided to make it happen. WSU Spokane County Extension offers a series of beginning gardening classes every weekend in March and early April. I had already missed the March classes but was able to grab the last of the 4 week series in early April. And the topic this week was compost!
First let me say that I tried really hard last year to compost…but I never really felt like I was doing it right…my pile would never get hot enough. I kept throwing heaps and heaps of kitchen waste on my pile with a little bit of brown material but it basically just sat there. So I kinda gave up and just let it sit over the winter. Fast forward to my class and I’m learning that there are different ways to compost; cold compost, where you basically just make a pile and leave it, no turning involved. Very easy, low maintenance but takes a lot longer, 6 months to 1-2 years. And hot compost, that’s when you have a specific formula of green/brown mix + water. And the key here (which was my error) is once you start your hot pile you don’t add more green or brown material you just turn every 7 days or so. Back to my compost pile that sat all winter…after the class I decided to take a look at it and low and behold I have compost! I had used a “cold” method without really realizing it. I’m really glad I took this class. Even though I’d read tons of “how-to” articles on composting and watched videos online this class finally made it all sink in. I never thought I could spend 3 hours talking about compost but the time fly by and it was very interesting. I may not even do a hot compost pile, ever, but I feel good about keeping all my kitchen waste and yard waste out of the “trash”. If you live in this area and are interested in composting I was told at my class that there is a quick composting class at Finch Arboretum on April 28 from 11am-2pm. And after listening to the class you get a free compost holding unit. (similar to the black ones in my picture).
Thought i’d throw in some progress pictures of my seeds! |
These are the onion “sets” i planted. just stick in the ground with a tiny bit of top showing. Easy! |
This is one of my raised beds…i mostly plant lettuces cause i can easily cover with a shade cloth when it gets too hot. |
Yesterday, after months of waiting (nagging) I finally got my husband to build me a proper garden gate! And a garden work bench that conveniently hides the ugly white propane tank :) I’ll get pictures of that up next week.
Happy Gardening!
Interesting, enjoyed reading it since I've also just started creating a composting pile.